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Why is the UN silent on Asia Bibi’s treatment
The UN’s silence on Asia Bibi’s case is unacceptable
Imran Khan, supporter of Blasphemy Laws, wins elections in Pakistan
A new chapter starts in Pakistan with the election win for Imran Khan the famous cricketer and former playboy who has become the Prime Minister. On the way he caused concern among his supporters and critics when he began to show a leaning towards a religious rightwing agenda.
Whether he did this to take the wind out of the sails from the religious parties or whether he is truly an extremist remains to be seen.
Notwithstanding his religious leanings, his agenda for reforming the country is all overwhelmingly positive. If he succeeds in delivering even 10% of what he has promised it will transform on of the world’s most populous countries.
The 9th Anniversary of Asia Bibi’s internment for Blasphemy
Pakistan’s most famous victim of the blasphemy law.
9 Years ago, Asia Bibi was arrested in a village near Lahore for having the temerity to share a drinking well with her Muslim fellow villagers. In Pakistan Christians are often considered unclean and impure, partially because they are the only people who clean and unblock sewage and toilets. Part of the reason is the thrall the uneducated classes are under from the local maulvi (muslim priest), themselves often uneducated.
The villagers claimed she had committed blasphemy and she was subsequently arrested. Since the last nine years she has been locked up.
Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, Pakistan’s largest province helped her in her appeal for clemency. He was murdered by his fanatic bodyguard, who has since become a hero among other fanatics.

Pakistani Police Not Following Legal Procedures For Blasphemy Law Cases
Human rights organisations are expressing concern that the police are abandoning legal procedures when it comes to Blasphemy Law cases. In 2017 alone 50 people were jailed on blasphemy charges. Out of these 17 were sentenced to death.
The verdict in the Mashal Khan case verdict was cited as the example of badly presented facts and the unnecessarily complex nature of the law in Pakistan. This causes most blasphemy law cases to drag on interminably in the courts. One famous example is Asia Bibi’s case, pending since October 2016.
The 2017 International Religious Freedom Report published by the US State Department r the year 2017 report a dire situation of minorities and religious freedom rights in Pakistan during the year.
It recommended placing Pakistan on a special watch list for having engaged in severe violations of religious freedom under the 1998 International Religious Freedom Act.
It noted that the government has made an attempt to address some issues but the law remains unhelpful to minorities and does not compel the police to adequately investigate all aspects.
US religious freedom panel eyes Pakistan with worry

Extremists attempt to assassinate Pakistan’s Interior Minister
Pakistan’s Minister for the Interior Ahsan Iqbal was yesterday shot by a member of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah. This extremist group is lobbying to increase stiffen the laws relating to blasphemy in Pakistan. They have already been responsible for many deaths and serious disruption of the lives of ordinary people.
This group of extremists are a serious threat and need to be recognised as such. They should be banned and designated a terrorist group.
It is time Pakistani politicians and the army stop taking a soft approach to religious extremists and fight fire with fire. A complete extermination of these elements from society is the only way Pakistan can ever move forward.
Pakistan’s Top Judge to Hear Asia Bibi’s Final Appeal
Asia Bibi
Chief Justice Saqib Nisar, Pakistan’s top judge, will hear Asia Bibi’s appeal against her death sentence for violating Pakistan’s draconian blasphemy law.
She has been on death row for the last eight years. Several high profile people including Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab were assassinated because they supported a fair trial.
Her lawyer Saif ul Malook has been given special protection. His life is in extreme danger as is the judge’s
There are no shortage of extremists in Pakistan who would be willing to kill the judge, the lawyer and Asia Bibi even if it means their own death. These people are a scourge of the nation and should themselves be exterminated. Sadly they are growing in strength and number because the government are not taking strict enough measures to curb their growth. Instead they use religion as their own political tool.
Her lawyer has reasonable hopes that her charges will be struck down by the Supreme Court.
Bibi was arrested in 2009 for allegedly insulting the Prophet Muhammad. It stemmed from an argument she had with Muslim women while picking berries in their village. The women objected to her drinking water from the same utensils and well they were using. Backward people in Pakistan consider Christians impure.
The Biggest Existential Threat to World Order is still Radical Islam not the Russians
Donald Trump – The Saviour of Radical Islam
Wars of the modern Internet Age are not won by dropping nuclear bombs. Victories come about by more subtle means. With the world existing on a knife edge it only takes something small to destroy the fabric that allows the free liberal modern lifestyle to flourish. Like the butterfly flapping its wings can create a hurricane on the other side of the world a small band of terrorists can unwind all the gains made in the a hundred years of progressive social reform. It is the ultimate asymmetrical warfare and the radical Islamists are winning.
Their latest coup has been the successful divisions wrought between the west and the Russians and Chinese block. While the cold war has recommenced Islamist of the world rejoice as they seek to rekindle their movements in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Pakistan and the Philippines.
Osama Bin Laden has found a champion in an unlikely source, Donald Trump.

4 Christians were murdered by ISIS thugs.
Pakistan has become a no-go zone for minorities. Christians are especially copping it bad. In the latest atrocity four members of the Christian minority were murdered during Easter celebrations in Quetta, the capital of Pakistan’s Southwest province Baluchistan.
Let down by his government and security forces, the body of a slain Pakistani Christian.
This joins a long list of appalling crimes against Christians including false charges of Blasphemy (violating the blasphemy law), bomb blast and massacres by religious extremists.
The Pakistani government is trying to do everything it can to stop the bloodshed including conducting one of the most successful military campaigns Zarb-e-Azab but the extremists keep coming.
Some people believe it is because the cowards had to run away from Syria after getting their noses bloodied in battles with the Kurds.
The point the International Community needs to realise is that this is a battle that we all need to win together. It is a global battle that needs to be fought with unity.
4 Christians Murdered in Pakistan by ISIS
Police Atrocities against Blasphemy Law accused
More victims of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws

Sajid Masih cousin of Patras Masih was seriously injured when he jumped out of an upper storey window in a police station after they tried to get him to sodomise his younger relative.
Not only is the blasphemy law in Pakistan unfair in how it’s written and applied but the police are inept and out of control. How can people possibly hope to get a fair?